
candid3New Business Start-Up Consulting

Starting a new business is exciting, but when the time comes to consider things like the type of business entity you’re establishing and which tax filing and license requirements you’ll need to meet, it can be overwhelming. We can help make sense of this legal language and assist you in the preparation of budgets and forecasts, helping you develop a financial strategy for your business.

General Business Consulting

Growing your business is what you aim to do as the owner of a company. When you’re ready to add a new business location, refinance a loan, or consider purchasing an asset, we can help you reach your goals by providing a professional perspective and evaluation. Our business consulting services will help you feel confident in each decision you make so that you can be sure your business is always growing in the right direction.

Distressed Real Estate

Liquidating distressed real estate can often have negative tax consequences, but acquiring distressed real estate often has the potential for significant profits in the future. We can help you plan appropriately for each of these situations so that you can eliminate negative tax consequences.

Retirement Planning

If you aren’t familiar with them, trying to understand retirement plans, contribution limits and funding requirements can be complicated.  Our team can help make sense of the various types of plans available and assist in deciding which plan best fits your retirement goals. We want to help you enter retirement with a sense of security, knowing that you’ve made the right decisions leading up to this new chapter in life.

Evaluation of Internal Controls, Policies and Procedures

We can assist in reviewing your company’s current policies and procedures to help reduce inaccuracies in financial reporting. We also provide professional support in developing new policies for increased efficiency. Our goal when providing this service is to ensure you have the tools necessary to develop effective procedures and execute efficiently.

Closely Held Business Consulting

Small business are often family-owned or have a limited number of owners. We can assist with estate and succession planning issues, helping you meet your goals in regards to minimizing the tax collected on your estate.

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