4 Ways to Simplify Your Finances

Consolidating Accounts
Many people have bank accounts and investment accounts at multiple locations.  By combining these type accounts you reduce the amount of paperwork you receive and the number of advisors you are dealing with.
Automating Payments
For many people paying your monthly bills is a dreaded chore.  Having your bill payments automatically drafted or setting up automated bill payments through your financial institution is a great way to save time.

Equal Payment Plans
Many utility companies allow you to set up monthly payments based on average usage with an annual reconciliation and adjustment.  A brief review of your monthly statement for accuracy can be done at your convenience.
Tax Folder
Many people dread getting their information together for the purposes of filing their tax return.  One way to reduce this aggravation is to create a “Tax Folder”.  This is a place where you accumulate all of your tax related information throughout the year so you don’t have to go searching for all of those receipts at the last minute.